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10 Reasons for the US to get out of the United Nations (UN) by the John Birch Society (JBS)

  1. US basic rights are given by God and cannot be overruled. UN basic rights are granted by the government and can be canceled.

  2. The UN has always sought to ban private ownership of weapons.

  3. The UN violates its own charter (Article 2) by lawlessly meddling in its members' domestic affairs.

  4. Every UN secretary-general has been a communist or a socialist.

  5. The UN Charter's Article 25 violates the U.S. Constitution. Most elected American officials have bowed to UN demands and allowed them to dictate US policies.

  6. The UN controls the US military.

  7. UN leaders oppose sovereignty and favor a one-world government.

  8. State department officials bow to the UN.

  9. The UN is growing its power globally.

  10. Disarmament for all - except the UN. See the below archive issued by the Department of State in 1961.

In addition to these top ten reasons outlined by the JBS, I would add that the UN is just another NON-ELECTED body that should NOT be making any decisions regarding the US.

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