Right to Know Request sent to the NH public utilities commission, the department of energy, and members of both the House and Senate Energy committees.
RE: Right to Know Request - for listing of cell tower and antenna infrastructure in New Hampshire
Per RSA 91-A:4 IV(c) “IV.
(a) Each public body or agency shall, upon request for any governmental record reasonably described, make available for inspection and copying any such governmental record within its files when such records are immediately available for such release.
(b) If a public body or agency is unable to make a governmental record available for immediate inspection and copying the public body or agency shall, within 5 business days of a request:(1) Make such record available; (2) Deny the request; or (3) Provide a written statement of the time reasonably necessary to determine whether the request shall be granted or denied and the reason for the delay.
(c) A public body or agency denying, in whole or part, inspection or copying of any record shall provide a written statement of the specific exemption authorizing the withholding of the record and a brief explanation of how the exemption applies to the record withheld.” Chapter 91-A ACCESS TO GOVERNMENTAL RECORDS AND MEETINGS (state.nh.us)
I, Regina M. Barnes am requesting public access within 5 business days to the governmental records reasonably described as follows:
1) # of currently operating C/P (cellular phone) Towers or Antennas which are located in NH and registered in NH?
2) # of currently operating C/P Towers or Antenna located in NH which are not registered, or not registered in NH, but registered to or by an outside entity? Who is that entity? Entity Location or Address?
3) Location of each C/P Tower or Antenna: Latitude, Longitude, Elevation, Structure Height and Overall Height.
4) Construction completion date ...and first operational date of each C/P Tower/Antenna.
5) Owner of each C/P Tower or Antenna, and address.
6) List from each C/P Tower or Antenna detailing each; how many current channels? How many current transmitters each? Which generation, i.e. 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G or 6G?
7) Please indicate the power input (V) and type (AC/DC) to each C/P Tower or Antenna; and the microwave (mw) and radio frequency (rf) power output by, “output watts” and “radiated watts,” measured in GHz (gigahertz) and MHz (megahertz).
8) For each C/P Tower or Antenna, please list all habitable places, I.e. each and any housing unit, park or other public place such as schools, hospitals, churches, industrial parks, businesses, restaurants, stores, buildings, etc. etc., that fall within a 650 foot circular perimeter distance of each C/P Tower or Antennas’ structural base... to each listed place, whether the C/P Tower or Antenna is operational, in operation, or not.
9) Are each of these C/P Towers or Antenna tested regularly for: ELF/ELM emissions or pollution levels? Or tested for RF/MW Radiation levels? Please submit all up to date testing data from each tower, dated and time stamped.
10) How many C/P Towers or Antenna are not shown on State, County, Town or City maps, but exist in current operation? Why are they not on maps? (Example: AT&T Tower on Emerson Hill Road, Hopkinton NH, which was built circa 2009, is not shown on any NH maps, but like many others not shown on NH maps ...they do exist and are in operation.
Please let me know when these records are available for inspection, or you may email copies of the records to nhmuckraker1776@yahoo.com.
Thank you for your lawful attention to this matter.
Regina M. Barnes,
State of New Hampshire, Hampton, County of Rockingham