Here is a summary by Chau regarding
"Regina Mary Barnes v. Town of Hampton NH Clerk, et al" at the Rockingham Superior Court on Tuesday, June 11, 2024, at 9am.
Case Number: 218-2024-CV-00568
"There was a Hampton town election on March 12, 2024, and all election materials were stored in 47 boxes. However, only 30 boxes were brought to a recount on March 27, 2024, and only 16 boxes were opened for review and counting. The plaintiff Regina Barnes requested to have a visual inspection of all the exterior of 47 voting containers/boxes, used and counted in the election reviews of the March 12, 2024, Hampton town election but was denied. The plaintiff did not request examination of any ballot, just wanting to review the visual exterior markings on all 47 boxes. Therefore, the plaintiff brought the Town of Hampton, NH to court and the town of Hampton sought to dismiss the case based on the ground that these are NOT "government records." However, Regina Barnes clarified that she did not want to see any ballot but wanted to verify the chain of custody of the 47 boxes according to Hampton town records. Regina Barnes called Linda Brown, a citizen of Hampstead, NH as her witness. Linda testified that she was able to visually inspect election material boxes in 3 different recounts under both the past and current NH Secretary of State and have photos as evidence. Another words, chain of custody is a very important issue to pay attention to in elections and election recounts. People need to know how many boxes total and if they were labelled, signed and sealed properly according to NH election laws and those seals need to be inspected before any recount to make sure they are intact and not damaged or already opened. This is part of the big picture for election integrity which most people have been concerned about since the 2020 election.
Judge Kennedy listened to all sides and will make his decision.
I hope everyone will watch and learn from this hearing and sign up to be election inspector, poll watcher with your political party and sign up to volunteer in your town election. We need to work hard on election integrity to restore people's faith in our election because the result of our election could be disastrous like the last 4 years. Most people believed the 2020 election was stolen and everyone is paying for such high inflation at the gas station, groceries shopping, mortgage rates and high rent, high crimes and wide-open borders etc... the list goes on.
Thank you for caring and sharing!"
-- Chau Kelley June 11, 2024
Here is the link to the video on Rumble:
I could not have said it better myself.
I also would like to specifically thank the following NH warriors for their support:
Regina Brady
Al Brandano
Linda Brown
Jocelyn Davis
