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NH Governor Sununu and the sneaky state senate

Updated: Mar 24, 2023

NH Muckraker podcast episode 29

Even a small town like Hampton Falls is amping up for the transition to the new Somerville North.

363 people out of approximately 1,800, or 20% showed up to vote at the 2023 March town meeting, that happened during a snowstorm, about a week and a half ago. Out of the 363, 217 (12%) voted to have the town adopt the provisions of RSA 72:81, aka bring on the tax incentives for any type of commercial development, throughout the town.

Listen below for more;

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NH Muckraker
NH Muckraker
Mar 24, 2023

At the 2018 Hampton town meeting, the voters approved to show Governor Sununu support to join MA and ME and study the feasibility of developing offshore wind power in the gulf of ME. Task force to study the benefits of offshore wind farms. This has been discussed since the formation of a bipartisan committee in 2014. Sununu does not stand for less government but rather stands for the establishment agenda of the more government, the better. As a globalist, he is also a proponent of green energy in NH, regulated by the state government, of course.

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