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NH Law Enforcement Governor ordered and appointed Commission.

Did you know that NH has a Governor implemented Law Enforcement Accountability, Community, and Transparency (LEACT) Commission?

LEACT was established by Executive Order 2020-06 and Executive Order 2020-11. This implementation occurred during the statewide shutdown for COVID-19 (“safer at home”), both the state senate and state house of representatives were not meeting.

Can you say dictatorship? You see sometimes Chris Sununu, otherwise known as SunKing, likes to rule in the same manner as Joe Biden, by his pen.

This commission was established “in the wake of the tragic murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, MN.”

The commission consist of the following members (all of which are unelected positions):

(a) The Attorney General, or designee, who shall chair the Commission

(b) The Commissioner of the Department of Safety, or designee

(c) The Executive Director of the New Hampshire Commission for Human Rights

(d) The Director of the Police Standards and Training Council

(e) The Chair of the Governor's Advisory Council on Diversity and Inclusion

(f) The President of the Manchester, NH NAACP

(g) A current justice of the New Hampshire Superior or Circuit Court, appointed by and serving at the pleasure of the Governor

(h) A representative of the New Hampshire Police Association, appointed by and serving at the pleasure of the Governor

(i) The President of the New Hampshire Association of Chiefs of Police

(j) The Executive Director of the New Hampshire Chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Illness

The commission originally included a member from the NH ACLU, appointed by and serving at the pleasure of the Governor and two members of the public, appointed by and serving at the pleasure of the Governor. These positions were removed in an amendment outlined in Executive Order 2020-13.

Executive Order 2020-19 created later in the year, ordered that the state implement certain recommendations of the NH LEACT. September 2020, the Governor issued a statement endorsing all 48 recommendations and put forward a road map to statewide implementation.

In October 2020, as an elected selectman, reviewing the Town Management and Department Head prepared 2021 Operating Budget for the Town of Hampton, I inquired of then Hampton Police Chief Richard Sawyer of the likely local budget effects coming from the implementation of this commission in NH. Specifically regarding; training requirements and ongoing training curriculum, The Police Standards and Training Council (PSTC) review of the part-time officer's certification process, National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives (NOBLE) creation of policy guidelines on (a) Use of Force, (b) Duty to Intervene, (c) Code of Conduct, (d) duty to report misconduct, (e) prohibition of chokeholds, (f) procedures to guard against positional asphyxia. I also inquired as to what the status was of implementing these policies at the HPD. It was also noted that the state police will be equipped with body cameras, the question of will it soon be a municipal requirement was also asked.

Subsequent to these questions being asked during a public Hampton Board of Selectmen meeting, then Chief Sawyer responded back in a memorandum to the board. In summary, it stated that any budget effects could not be determined at this time.

Now as part of the 2023 annual town meeting budget and warrant article review, the Town of Hampton taxpayers can see some of the long-term, ongoing budget impacts the commission will have to Hampton’s annual budget. In a quick review of the December 12, 2022, Hampton selectmen meeting, and Hampton proposed 2023 warrant articles 17 and 18, additional annual funding of approximately $255,000 will need to be appropriated by the taxpayers for implementation of some of the commission’s recommendations.

Microsoft Word - 2023 Town Warrant Draft 01-10-2023 (2) (

The real issue that should be on granite state taxpayers’ mind is that, in NH we have a governor, that by the flick of his pen, created orders that appropriate tax dollars to complete. This act is in direct violation of the NH State Constitution; Article 18, Part II, Form of Government. This Article reads:

“All money bills shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose, or concur with amendments, as on other bills.”

State Constitution - House of Representatives |

The “Sneaky Senate” seems to believe that codifying these acts after the fact and when both chambers were back in session rectified the breach of the Executive Branch. But simply put folks, it does not.

Chris Sununu during his tenure ship as Governor has been successful at growing the state government bureaucracy without the consent of, we the NH people. His political career needs to be put to an end finally.

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