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Writer's pictureNH Muckraker

The state of NH coffers

Dear Executive Councilors Stevens, Gatsas, Kenney, Wheeler, and Warmington,

The town of Hampton has approximately $34 million in critical infrastructure as identified by the Hampton Department of Public Works. Most of these projects will be a ticket item on upcoming March 2022 ballot. The town of Hampton deserves money from state revenues to offset taxpayer costs of these projects. Ideally funding from the same state revenue sources that transfer between $400 - $500 million annually to the state education trust fund. Perhaps some of those annual revenues should be given back to municipalities statewide, taking special care to NH communities that provide tourism and major tax revenues to Concord and Rockingham County annually. Hampton would be categorized as such, here are some reasons why. 1. In 2020 Hampton paid $3.4 million to the county in taxes or roughly 7% of total Rockingham County taxes collected. We are the fourth largest municipal taxpayer in the county. Perhaps the county budget should include a HB state park line item within the County Sheriffs' budget? The sheriffs are commonly used and funded through the Hampton PD "outside services" town budget line. Why should the financial burden of this all fall on Hampton taxpayers' backs? The best solution would be to simply bring the state troopers back to patrol the Hampton Beach State Park, so I ask you, the Executive Council to the Governor to make that happen. 2. Hampton beach state park's meters averaged $2.2 million a year for fiscal years 2015 - 2018. The NH state park department transferred an average of $1.8 million from revenues to fund statewide park services during those same fiscal years. More up-to-date figures are unavailable because the NH state parks department has not updated their site to include neither the 2019 nor the 2020 annual report. This is not very transparent of the NH state parks, perhaps something could be done about that? 3. Our state representatives and state senator seem to care more about party line politics and passing unconstitutional budgets that consist of more unelected decision makers; than they do Hampton's physical infrastructure needs. Bottom line, the town needs $20 million dollars from Concord for investment in critical town infrastructure. These infrastructure needs support all visitors to, as well as the operations of the Hampton Beach State Park, which is state-owned property. 4. The Governor and his executive council have the "authority" to rectify these issues. Hampton needs that to happen. Hampton taxpayers deserve to see some substantial financial support from the state towards their infrastructure, much of which supports the Hampton Beach State Park year-round. Hampton deserves $20 million dollars from the state of NH coffers. Federal funds come with federal strings attached. Let me explain what is meant by "federal strings." The Build Back Better Act includes financial incentives for state and local entities to change zoning laws, specifically those that would replace single-family homes with multi-unit properties to provide more "affordable housing." Those financial incentives would come in the form of tax-payer funded grants and tax credits. On page 815 of the 2,468-page bill, it reads: The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development shall establish a competitive grant program for - (1) planning grants to develop and evaluate housing policy plans and substantially improve housing strategies; (2) streamlining regulatory requirements and shorten processes, reform zoning codes, or other initiatives that reduce barriers to housing supply elasticity and affordability. These types of federal stipulations are not only unconstitutional but will be hurtful to Hampton and its sovereignty. Why should Hampton, or any town for that matter, change its zoning laws to appease DC and their federal dollars? Hampton deserves $20 million dollars from the state of NH coffers, this money will be used to offset taxpayer funded appropriations of critical infrastructure needs that will be proposed on the March 2022 town warrant. The money is there. Thank you for your dedicated service to our much beloved live free or die state. #barnes4nh

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